Sunday, November 2, 2014

Apoptosis and miraculous herbs

Apoptosis and Miraculous herbs-

Our body cells are very disciplined and are of highly organised community. The cell number is tightly regulated not simply by controlling the rate of cell division, but also by controlling the rate of cell death. If cells are no longer needed, they commit suicide by activating an intracellular death program. 

This process is of programmed cell death, or Apoptosis.Meaning of apoptosis ( a Greek word ) is “falling off,” as leaves from a tree.

You will be surprise to know the fact that infinite number of cells undergo apoptotic process during one's life span.

For example, in developing feotus, up to half or more of the nerve cells normally die soon after they are formed. Isnt it amazing? But it's a regulatory system of body for cotrolling cell number. 

Just imagine what will happen if cells refuse to die. They will live longer and with the help of other oncogenic factors lead to cancer.  Mutations in certain pro-apototic genes can cause havoc in the bodies defence mechanism but this does not happens always. Bodies immune surveilance is far more powerful and keep all cell under tight control.

Diseases in which apoptosis is implicated as one of the causative factor are cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and auto-immune disorders. The rate on which cancer cells grow depends on rate of  cell division and cell death. Ofcourse in cancer, rate of cell division outgrows rate of cell death. Abnormal apoptotic process can promote development of cancer by either allowing accumulation of cancer cells or by preventing their removal. Apoptosis is found to be an efficient way for preventing malignant transformation because it removes genetically malformed cells.

Apoptosis also have a role in causation of neurodegenerative disorder like Alzheimer's disease . Modulation of apoptotic process may be useful in the treatment. The rate of neurodegenerative disorders have been increased as a result of increases in the census of ageing population. Hence there is a need to find newer solutions for this challenge. 

Exaggerated apoptotic process is also problematic as in AIDS. In AIDS the balance between rate of CD4 ( one type of lymphocyte )death and it's replacement is impaired. Here inhibition of apoptotic process is useful in the treatment. 

Indian medicinal plants which are described to have rasayana properties can be effectively used in such conditions as they can have check on our immune surveillance system. Medicinal plants with Rasayana properties help in slowing down aging process and provides protection against diseases. 

Rasayanas provide long life, ability to remain young and good intellect by enhancing proper uptake of nutrition by body cells thus imparting proper growth and improvement in seven vital tissues.

This can be achieved by multifaceted actions of Rasayana drugs. With their antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic , immunomodulator properties these medicinal plants can activate immune responnsivenes of an individual ( organism). When immune system of body is activated it sets into motion a whole cascade of events that act on different organs and produce different beneficial effects.

Indian medicinal plants also offer prospects for the modulation of the balance between proliferation and apoptosis.A yurvedic medicinal plants have been found to modulate the apoptotic process. For example the plants like Punarnava
(Boerhaavia difussa) and Amruta
( Tinospora cordifolia) have been shown to inhibit apoptotic process by stimulation of macrophage and GM- CSF which activate enzyme protein kinase C and inhibit apoptosis and have potential role in the treatment of AIDS. 

There are number of Rasayana drugs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts like-
1. Haritaki ( terminalia chebula)
2. Amalaki (Publica officinale) 
3.Bala (Sida-condifolia)
4.Ashwagandh (Withania somnifera) 5.Pippali (Piper longum)
6.Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
7.Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica) - 8.Guggul (Commiphora mukul) 
9.Bhallataka(Semicarpus anacardium)
10.Punarnava(Boerrhevia diffusa)
11.Shatavari(Asparagus racemoses)
13.Nagavalli ( piper betel,  betel leavef)

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