Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dhanteras : Worship for health and wealth

Today is Dhanteras (dhanatrayodashi), the first day of Diwali  which is celebrated in gusto. 

The Goddess of wealth (dhan)- is worshiped to provide prosperity and well being. 

It is also an occasion to worship an incarnation of Vishnu – Lord Dhanwantari, the god of health and the spirit of knowledge, " The God of Ayurveda". On this day lord Dhanvantari emerged carrying a jar of elixir when the Gods and demons churned the ocean for nectar (Samudra manthana).

Worshiping God of health and wealth on the same day!   Isn't it a great tradition? No one can deny the fact that the health is the  greatest wealth of all. So it makes perfect sense to celebrate both the deities on the occasion of dhanatrayodashi.

In southern India esp.in Maharashtra the traditional naivedya offered today is lightly pounded dry coriander seeds ( dhanyak beej) with khadi shakkar ( candy sugar ), rice corn (laja or dhan) and jaggery ( guda).
Actually this is the perfectly planned  combination of food items  as per seasonal demands of our body.

Let me explain how? 

The festival of Diwali falls in  Sharad Ritu (Autumn = October to November). Due to extreme rise in temperature and increased humidity in external environment,  the internal environment of the body goes haywire.

Pitta dosha agravates naturally, and vata dosha decreases. The digestive system becomes weak. Weak digestion and agravated pitta leads to various Pitta related disorders. That is why Sharad Ritu is considered as breeding time for diseases, as it is said "रोगाणाम् शरदि माता:।".

So to remain fit and healthy you should eat in moderation, eat easily digestible food with bitter, astringent and sweet  food items in taste and that what is cool in nature.

1.Coriander seeds : sweet, bitter and astringent in taste, alleviates pitta dosha,  appetizer, carminative, improves digestion and diuretic

2.Rice corn : easily digestible, sweet in taste, alleviates Pitta, diuretic and relieves thirst

3.Candy sugar : sweet in taste, pacifiyes aggravated Pitta, increases stamina (bala)

4.Jaggery :  increases appetite, good for heart and health.

You should consume it regularly during this very hot season of the year. It is a perfect blend to pacify Pitta dosha and to remain healthy in Sharad ritu.

So celebrate dhanteras,  be healthy and be happy always.. 

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