Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cough on the cusp..

Cough on the cusp..

Cusps ( संधीकाल) is the  point of transition between two different states. This transition time period is always considered bad.

On the cusp of two seasons most of the diseases errupt abruptly. 
Just two days back we experienced the lovely showers of rain and today again we are facing hot sultry climate. 

Theses type of extremes are experienced mostly during the junction between two seasons. It becomes most essential to take care of our health during this time as our body cannot cope up with abrupt climatic changes. Our Immune system goes haywire and there are chances that you may get attacked by various viral, bacterial infections. Other auto immune disorders, skin problems crouching in the body try to raise their head once again.

Cough is one of such symptom. Though apparently it looks simple but sometimes it can be really troublesome. Many times bombardments of medicines and higher antibiotics fail to cotrol it though all your laboratory reports show normal values and there is no serious pathology in the body.

Then you move forward in a search of "magical dadi ma ka nuska" which can control this troublesome symptom. So now I am giving you that magic wand which will switch of your lingering cough immediately. 

Magic nuska is gharelu ( home made) and you don't have to spend much for it.

So here comes a panacea for the troublesome cough


  1. 1 teaspoon flax seeds
  2. 1 teaspoon dried coriander  seeds 
  3. 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  4. 8-10 tulasi leaves
  5. 5-6 mint leaves
  6. 10-15 black resins 
  7. 1 cardamom
  8. 1 bal harada
  9. 1 small piece of cinnamon
  10. 1 small size stick of jeshtimadh
  11. Khadishakkar a small piece


1.First roast flaxseeds in a closed vessel till they crackle properly

2. Add two cups of water to flaxseeds

3.Add all other ingredients one by one except khadishakkar 

4. Let the mixture boil till it remains 1/4 (1/2 cup)

5. Srain it in a bowl and add khadishakkar to it

6. Take this deccoction twice a day till your nasty cough goes away

You can take this mixture two times a day. You can re-use raw material twice. This deccoction can be taken in productive as well as in dry cough, and also in bronchitis.

It is safe. 
Try it and then believe in it. 

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