तू चलता चल.....
I love walking. And enjoy it in all moods of life. May life present me happyness or sadness, joy or pain.
In a fit of nerve I walk spontaneously. Or one can say it is a reflex action of mine to a tough situation. Walking brings me feelings of pleasure, tranquility, and well-being and help relieve the pain of depression.
Scientists have proved that walking encourage the production of the body's natural opiates, called endorphins. These endorphins are chemicals; related to morphine family and are responsible for the feeling of euphoria called "runner's high."
So walking is a kind of meditation for me. "When no one responds to your call, then you go on your way alone" Ekla chalo 're.... Recalling Rabindranatha Tagor's line; I can walk miles and miles.
It's the best time to converse with your inner soul . Otherwise where do we get time to introspect in this sppedy, mechanical life?Many times I get solutions to unsolved problems while walking. Really walking keeps me going. That's the reason why I walk regularly.
Besides this there are "N" number of physical benefits of regular brisk walking. Ayurveda also mentions walking (chankramanam) as the best exercise among all.
And about benefits of walking ... To list them down -
1. Brisk walking maintains a healthy weight
2. It prevent or manages various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
3.Walking Strengthens your bones
4. As already discussed it lifts your mood
5.Walking Improves your balance and coordination
6. It the simplest physical activity which on regular practice helps you live a healthier life
7.The faster, farther and more frequently you walk, the greater the benefits
8.The greatest benefit of brisk walking is that you don't have to spend anything for it! It comes absolutely free ... Isn't it great?
Then what are you waiting for???
"The now" is the time to take good decisions. So start walking.
Better late than never...