Saturday, June 20, 2015

|| EXCELLENCE IS YOGA ॥ योग: कर्मसु कौशल्यम् ॥

Tomorrow, on 21st June we are going to celebrate international yoga day. Celebrating various days and occasions is in vogue. In India we have haphazardly started sharing messages, pictures and videos of yoga postures (asana) performed by so called yoga followers without knowing the fundamentals of yoga.

These asanas or postures aimed at toning up the body, are indeed one of the eightfold stages of Ashtanga Yoga as enunciated by Sage Patanjali. Frankly, performing these asana under guidance of self-styled yoga gurus does not constitute complete yoga. When performed in isolation these asanas are reduced just to a physical exercise.
There is no doubt that these asana can improve your looks and your internal systems with a better figure and physical efficiency but it will be incorrect to think that performance of these asana can turn you into a better human being.
Then what should be the ideal path of yoga which will lead the way to physical mental and spiritual happiness?  
The meaning of yoga is to connect or to join. Yoga means connecting ourselves to supreme soul.
The Bhagavad Gita describes yoga as a state of equanimity, achieved by cultivating a detached but unified outlook, serenity of mind, skill in action and the ability to stay attuned to the glory of the Self or atman and the Supreme lord. 
As stated by lord Krishna, the root cause of all sufferings and conflicts  is nothing but selfish desire which disturbs and agitates the mind. The only way to extinguish the flame of this burning desire is by bringing in the deep silence in the mind and stillness, through self-discipline and engaging in a higher form of activity.

According Panini who wrote a commentary on Patanjali Yogasutra “yoga is Samadhi” which is the eighth stage of ashtanga yoga.

The eight stages of ashtanga yoga are yam, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Samadhi is state of enlightenment wherein you are in tune with the nature, with perfect physical and mental balance. It is the state wherein you are directly connected to the supreme soul. Achieving this stage is very difficult; and one has to rich there by mastering all preceding seven stages of yoga. With mastering each and every step we reach akin to endmost goal of the ashtanga yoga i.e. SAMADHI
Let me explain you all these eight stages of yoga in brief-
1. Yama- Yama & Niyamas are ethical rules for “Right living” and are the foundation of positive personality on which edifice of the enlightenment is built.
The five Yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-covetousness.
2. Niyama -The five Niyamas are cleanliness, contentment, austerity, self-study or knowledge of self and surrender to God.
3. Asana- Literally means "seat" or “posture” and in Patanjali's Sutras refers to the seated position used for meditation which defined as “sthira sukham asanam”.  But in present times mostly asanas are considered as various postures perfumed for physical fitness and wellbeing.  
Sage Patanjali expected seekers to embrace yam and niyam before coming to the third stage, asana. The eightfold path is to take the practitioner towards moral, physical and spiritual uplift. The ultimate aim of yoga is spiritual realization or samadhi via mind and body.  Obtaining physical fitness is one step ahead towards reaching the ultimate goal of Samadhi.
4. Pranayama- Pranayam means control of breath; it purifies and removes distractions, facilitating concentration and meditation.
5. Pratyahara - Means is detachment sensory organs from senses or withdrawal of the senses during meditation that enables you to focus on the Supreme Power and establish a cosmic link.
6. Dharana - Dharana is to concentrate on one point for a considerable length of time.  The aim is to still the mind by gently pushing away superfluous thoughts. 
7. Dhyana -Dhyana is uninterrupted meditation without an object. 
8. Samadhi- Samadhi is to attain enlightenment.

The first five steps — yama, niyama asana, pranayama, and pratyahara — are the preliminaries of yoga and they build the foundation for spiritual life with body and brain. The last three, which would not be possible without the previous steps, are concerned with reconditioning the mind. They help the yogi to attain enlightenment.

That’s why the journey on the path of yoga is not that easy since it demands lot of restraint, discipline and devotion. But presently we directly jump over the third step and begin with asanas. There is nothing wrong in it but it can't be named yoga and we ought to be aware of its limitation when it comes to making a person spiritual. You cannot traverse through the path of yoga by skipping first two steps, in order to begin with asanas.
So not only performing asanas but all the stages of yoga are mandatory for spiritual development of a person.  Spiritual personalities are admired by society. When more and more members in society walk on the path of spirituality the whole nation becomes spiritual. That is the need of an hour and will help to build the nation.  Just exhibiting asana on big streets of cities and demonstrating skill of performing yougik postures (asanas)  is not yoga.

॥ योग: कर्मसु कौशल्यम् ॥ 

1 comment:

  1. Dr.Sandhya , as usual the post is well-researched and excellent. It may seem hard to follow all steps but , we may begin slowly and steadily. THANKS IN CAPITAL.
